Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yom goes 0 for 5.

Well we've had almost two full work weeks now of daily videos getting posted, and to put it nicely, some of us are doing better than others. As of right now, Yom has yet to win an argument. Some of them have been close, others have been landslides. So we've decided we need to do something and you'll see the results of that idea next week. Also in this upcoming week, we have a couple of special guests we've invited to join the arguments...and they make us look bad.


Thursday, April 23, 2009


I decided to add a little bit of competition into WouldYouRatherDaily. It's simply, a scoreboard. This will keep track of the wins, losses, and ties of all the people that are debating on WYRD. We do plan to involve guest as well, so they will have to have a separate scoreboard.
Since we have a competitive group, this should make us try just a little bit harder to persuade the viewer. Pride is at stake now. Right now, we've only had a few videos up, so the scores don't look that impressive. Given time though, they will show who's winning the most. You can check out the scoreboard every day here.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

We've gone daily!

I'm excited for Would You Rather Daily to finally be ready to go to the daily format. We've had one video up for just over a week to give people an idea of what to expect. It has been met with warm reception with the exception of length. Six minutes is apparently longer than a stretch limousine. I've heard you, the videos are now shorter and should still be just as funny. In fact today's Would You Rather is one of my favorites. Going daily will no doubt increase the workload around here, but it's just the beginning of many ideas we'd like to implement. Stick around for more great ideas from Would You Rather Daily.

Monday, April 20, 2009

A hub too small

Apparently I have a lot to say about my little office in my basement. My primary work computer is my MacBook Pro. It only has 2 USB ports on it and one is for some unknown reason not working. Well I have a USB hub for obvious reasons. I have a keyboard, a mouse, my iPhone charger, printer, and two external hard drives. Well that leaves just one open spot. It's usually taken up by either the Flip Video camera or my still camera's memory card reader. This makes it impossible if I want to say edit photos and video(not uncommon). Or say I need to transfer something via a flash drive. I never thought I'd need this many ports, but apparently my USB is the place to be. I think it's time for a desktop replacement.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New printer!

Well it's about time I threw out the old all-in-one printer/scanner/copier thingymajig. It only scanned portions of documents, it would only print when it felt like it(not often), and copies were unreliable to say the least. I bought the new printer probably a year and a half ago when the old printer started showing signs of acting up, but it stayed in the box until recently due to a lack of use. I had another printer that printed as reliably as a 2006 Toyota Camry(you're welcome Toyota) but lacked the scanning/copying. Recently when I started Funny Name Media, I needed to start copying and scanning documents again. So, out with the old, in with the sorta new.Here she be! Takes up a lot more room on my desk unfortunately, but I'll have to sand down my elbows or something because it actually works. And function over form, right?


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hazardous filming environment?

So Yom and I were doing some filming for Yom's Random Stats the other day and I had just purchased some shop lights for some fill light on our videos. Well, I was greeted with a lovely warning label. This label informed me that after un-packing it, setting it up, realizing it emits a horrible smell, and getting burned by how hot it is. So to say the least, I felt a bit sketcky about using these lights. I did wash my hands after handling though. And I'm still alive today, so that's the good news. Filming was good though and you can check out Yom's 5 You Tube Stats here that were filmed in my humble basement.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Welcome to the Funny Name Media Blog!

This is where it will all go down. Where the Funny Name Media crew blogs to their hearts content. Yup, it'll be pretty awesome depending on how you define awesome. Stay tuned for more, but in the mean time, check out and our Twitter page.