Friday, May 15, 2009

Play ball!

So Yom and I were fortunate enough to be able to score some Suite tickets to the Salt Lake Bees game. For those not in the know, it's the Triple A affiliate of the Angels. The Bees got off to early lead and maintained it for most of the game. We snacked on some burgers, churros, Chicago dogs, and red vines. Yom decided he'd use a red vine as a straw. He thought I was crazy that I was shocked about it. He said, "Haven't you ever used a red vine as a straw before?" Yes Yom, I have. When I was 8!!! I've grown up. I've moved on to drinking out of the can or a cup.
Anyway, the game got really exciting in the 9th inning. The Bees were up 5-3 in the Top of the 9th. They brought in their reliever who had a laughable 10.80ERA. Oh, but it got worse. He stayed on the whole inning surprisingly, but allowed 2 runs and had the game tied up. Time for the Bees to show what they're made of. And with a man on 1st and 2nd, Matt Brown knocked it out of the park for a 3-run homerun to win the game! It was an exciting end to a fun night.
We had already scheduled it, but we picked up the tickets for our night at the ballpark on June 26th. I'm taking the Funny Name Media crew and their spouses. Feel free to join us at the game.


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