Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So we recorded some video last week with the new camera. It has a widescreen recording mode and we figured we'd use it. My laptop is in a widescreen format as are my TV's, etc. So, we opened it up and wide and started using the new camera. MUCH better audio quality! No need to crank up the speakers. I'm still working on the lighting set up as it needed to be tweaked for the new camera. It's always a work in progress, but we'll get it down before too long. The first video with the new camera is up here: And it was filmed right after Yom went 0-for-7 in his arguments, so he kind of gave up on this one. You'll just have to see it.

In other news, we've finally got ourselves a Facebook fan page for Would You Rather Daily. It talks about an event we have coming up...the road trip to St. George for In-N-Out Burgers. Plenty of filming will be going on as we're loading the car up with cameras. It may end up being in my car, but I'm having braking system issues, so it may be in my wife's car. I'll tweet it on Saturday when we leave.


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