Well, I'll start this off by saying, the trip didn't quite go as we planned. First off, on Thursday Asti backed out. Then we quickly got together some special guests. Saturday morning came, and one special guest backed out. So, we were left with Spyder, Bubbles, and myself. Not quite the full crew we imagined. Spyder had unfortunately been up late the previous night, and so the first half of the trip, he was sleeping. Well, we got down to In-N-Out Burger after about 4 hours of driving. And even though we brought snacks, we all mostly refrained from it...except the Red Vines...those were good and gone. So we were hungry and the food didn't last long. This was the first pic I was able to snap of the food. I think I took two breaths the entire time of eating. Just enough to survive and not have to stop eating for too long.
After we had started to head back, we were determined to knock out several Would You Rathers. That did not happen. While discussing a couple of options, I received a phone call from my brother-in-law saying my sister was in the hospital. Filming immediately got postponed and my foot got heavier. I took a 3 hour drive from where we were at and made it in 2 hours and went straight to the hospital. Fortunately she is doing much better now, so we can resume as normal. Hopefully we'll get a couple of filiming sessions going on this week to make up for the last time. And to tide you over until the next post, here's a pic of Spyder after we had to wake him up to go inside.

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